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Service Provision, City of Kwinana

The City of Kwinanna employs three staff, as the Community Wellbeing Team (CWT) who provide direct service provision with people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Youth Engagement Officer (YEO)

The YEO work in a case management model to support and advocate for young people aged 12 to 18 years of age. The Kwinana Youth Service is funded by the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) and contract managed by Department of Communities. The core purpose of this role is to prevent homelessness and increase wellbeing and social connection.

Community Wellbeing Officer (CWO)

The CWO works primarily within an affirmative outreach model to provide information, advocacy support and referral services for street present and “at-risk” persons in Kwinana or any vulnerable person requiring support towards improving wellbeing. The role also supports related community development work providing input and advice into the development and implementation of relevant strategies, networks, research and programs aimed at addressing the causes and impacts of homelessness, family and domestic violence, mental health and financial hardship.

Community Liaison Officer (CLO)

CLO works in partnership with local businesses, community service providers, local police and internal City of Kwinana teams to improve community relations and community safety at identified priority paces as part of the City’s Welcoming Diversity Strategy. The role provides a high level of customer service to the community through the provision of assistance, support, information and the resolution of issues that occur in the public domain.

When conducting assertive outreach, the CWT follows process of taking Information pamphlets titled ‘Essential Contacts Guide- Support Services in Kwinana’ and ‘Kwinana Services for Those in Need’. These pamphlets identify support services, what they offer, their locations and their contact details so people can access them. In addition, the CWT aims to gain informed consent, from people experiencing homelessness, to place people on the Zero Projects By Names List to further housing advocacy and support.

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